While visiting my friend last summer in Lancaster, PA, I was fortunate to visit Labadee Looms. My friend laughed at my excitment and said "you'd think she was at Tiffany's." I found this beautiful louet pencil roving that surprisingly nobody wanted. Of course, I saw the beauty of it and snatched it up. I was able to spin up about 200 yards of fingering weight on my Avi Wasserman spindle that weighs a mere 1.3 ounces. I used a double strand to make the "Caliometry" headband which is found on the knitty.com website. The lucky recipient was a young friend who was graduating from high school. She was very grateful for such a gift. I spun up the rest of the pencil roving on my new Heavenly Handspinning Wheel. It yielded 300 yards of plied yarn. Pictures of that and the finished object to come. Stay tuned.